


A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains
Wang Ximeng (Chinese: 王希孟;
pinyin: Wang Ximeng; Wade━Giles: Wang Hsi-meng)
(1096━1119) was a Chinese painter during the
Song Dynasty, in the early twelfth century. A prodigy, Wang was one of the
most renowned court painters of the Northern Song period, and was taught
personally by Emperor Huizong of Song himself. He died at the age of 23.

Wang's only surviving work is an 11.9 metres (39 ft) long
scroll titled A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains (千里江山).
The painting, finished by Wang when he was only 18 in 1113, was one of the
largest in Chinese history, and has been described as one of the greatest
works of Chinese art. The painting is in the permanent collection of the
Palace Museum in Beijing. |
北宋王希孟《千里江山图》卷(绢本青绿设色,纵51.5厘米、横1191.5厘米,北京故宫博物院藏),是在中国古代美术史上鼎鼎大名公认的传世名作,与北宋时期宋徽宗的倡导“画学”、扶持文艺发展的主流政策有关。《千里江山图》,不只是所呈现出的11.9米长的画卷,也是宋徽宗的艺术品位,更是宋代美学。 |
"Chinese landscape paintings are “read,”
meaning they are viewed, from right to left". But recently scholars
state that this painting should be viewed as the whole panorama. Perhaps,
he used the technique of "Chinese occlusion" and the use of
green and blue colors of Tang for creating of huge landscapes. The large
piece of silk painting should be laid on the old, time-worn wall. Looking
through it at dawn or in the evening an artist could see landscapes that
later he would depict in his own painting. |

画中远近山水,气势开阔,村舍集市、渔船客舟、桥梁水车和林木飞禽,笔墨工致,位置得宜;全卷青绿重设色,表现了山河秀丽。 |
Color on silk. Palace Museum, Beijing. |

有关《千里江山图卷》的话题和研究,一直没有间断过。目前普遍认知,《千里江山图卷》完成于徽宗政和三年之前,作者王希孟,时年仅十八岁,他曾是翰林图画院的学生,后召入禁中文书库,奉事徽宗左右,因宋徽宗觉得其天赋非凡,便亲授其法。花了半年时间绘成这件鸿篇巨制。最近,《千里江山图卷》在北京故宫博物院展览,再次成为文化界和公众的一大热点。 |
Complete painting (as originally meant to be viewed) of
A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. |
A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.


A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on silk.
Palace Museum, Beijing.

Complete painting (as originally meant to be viewed)

A section of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains section. Color on
silk. Palace Museum, Beijing. |