The spring and Autumn period (620 - 647)
Found in Henan province in 1978
Heigh: 28.8cm;
Legth: 103cm;
Width: 46cm;
Weight: 90+kg
Reminding for liquor (or wine) ban |

铜禁四周以透雕的多层云纹做装饰,通透性较好,似天空飘浮的朵朵白云,禁身的上部攀附着12条龙形异兽,它们凹腰卷尾,探首吐舌,面向禁的中心,形成群龙拱卫的场面,另外有十二只异兽蹲于“禁”下为足。其器身由粗细不同的铜梗支撑,这些铜梗共分5层,最内较粗的一层是梁架。每根梁架两侧伸出多处支梗,犹如古代建筑上的斗拱。多层重叠,纵横交错,支梗又相互卷曲盘绕,而又互不连接,全由内层作支撑,工艺十分复杂而又精良。禁的四周盘龙踞虎,大概是取神兽警示之意。 |
A cloud of copper is mainly used as a statue, and you can
pot wine. Moire "copper Ban Ban" word has forbidden drinking.
The pavilion week witnessed the Shang Dynasty perish, they think that one
of the reasons of Xia and Shang two generation of death is the case of
Taiwan drinks to excess, and will hold a glass of wine called
"ban". "Dragon around cloud copper ban" the only
tiger, probably from animal warning meaning. The ban are rarely found in
ancient copper and archaeology, and this cloud copper ban can be regarded
as forbidden class of bronze in the boutique. The unearthed cloud copper
ban a total of 7 pieces, one of the largest, this time the size of the
earliest Henan Museum collection. |

云纹铜禁整体用失蜡法铸就而成。其工艺精湛复杂。历史文献记载的中国失蜡法工艺的时间最早是在唐代初年,据《唐会要》记载,唐高祖武德年间铸造开元通宝,用的便是失蜡法。因失蜡法文献所见较晚,学界一般认为中国失蜡法工艺源自于印度。但云纹铜禁是楚康王在位时的令尹子庚随葬品之一,铸造年代不晚于公元前552年。云纹铜禁的出土,将中国失蜡法铸造工艺的历史向前推进1100年。 |